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Heritage Commercials

Oct 01 2023

Heritage Commercials magazine is Britain’s brightest full colour magazine for classic and vintage commercial vehicle enthusiasts. It celebrates the days when roads were still quiet and lorry driving was fun as well as hard work. But Heritage Commercials is not just about old drivers – its strong historical content looks at the various vehicle manufacturers, while it keeps up to date with the current preservation scene with stories of beautifully restored vehicles of a bygone age, and their owners, being featured. The magazine also regularly features light commercials – vans to you and me – buses and coaches, fire engines and military vehicles, as well as keeping in touch with the ever growing number of superb long distance road runs and events held throughout the year. This is living history on the move!

Lorries, vans and the Circus!

Heritage Commercials

Cummins Classic • The Atkinson Borderer was a popular lorry in the early 1970s, and the Coxill family own a fine example, Bob Weirreports

A brief history of the Atkinson Borderer


Alec Ireland – Aussie Kenworth Man • In Australia, Kenworth is the marque that survived the ‘stoush’ between it and stablemate, Peterbilt, that took part in the early sixties and has gone on to be a consistent sales success for owners, PACCAR.


Classic Bedford PC • Mike Lawrence from Somerset has been collecting old vehicles and machinery for years. One of his star exhibits is a rare Bedford PC van with an interesting history, writes Bob Weir.

More than cuckoo clocks • Switzerland’s commercial and military vehicle manufacturers enjoyed a reputation for engineering ingenuity and impeccable production quality. Ed Burrows delves into the history of the industry and its products, focusing this month on the biggest truck and engine builder, Saurer. The other makes will be looked at in more detail in next month’s issue.

Minor LCV Register’s 70th gathering

CIRQUE ZAVATTA • It isn’t every day that you meet a camel on your way to buy some bread for breakfast, it is an even better day when said camel is attached to a rope not a few yards from a 1942 Ward La France wrecker with a multitude of guide ropes attached to a huge ‘tent’. Today the circus came to town; it was an impressive sight with exotic animals spread over the village centre, but disregarding that, just look at the trucks they arrived in!

French Connection Part 15 • Renault5Hatchback vans… …The second Generation Super 5 ‘Supercing’ few survive!


Silver jubilee for Volvo’s FM ‘Wendy house’ • The Volvo FM middleweight was introduced in 1998 as a replacement for the popular FL range that had been produced since 1985. The FM achieved over 20 years with its first cab and is still going strong as the V5 models.

The pitfalls and profits of a road run shoot! • There are regular road runs of classic restored commercial vehicles across the country throughout the summer months. Pip Dunn enjoyed one on his doorstep, but not without its challenges…

Your say

Information wanted – Bedford produced for one year only

DON’T MISS OUT! • A monthly round-up of the latest news buying and selling reports, auction, working classics and restorations direct to your inbox.


頻度: 1回 ページ: 88 出版社: Kelsey Publishing Ltd 版: Oct 01 2023

OverDrive マガジン

  • 発行日: 2023年9月29日


OverDrive マガジン



Heritage Commercials magazine is Britain’s brightest full colour magazine for classic and vintage commercial vehicle enthusiasts. It celebrates the days when roads were still quiet and lorry driving was fun as well as hard work. But Heritage Commercials is not just about old drivers – its strong historical content looks at the various vehicle manufacturers, while it keeps up to date with the current preservation scene with stories of beautifully restored vehicles of a bygone age, and their owners, being featured. The magazine also regularly features light commercials – vans to you and me – buses and coaches, fire engines and military vehicles, as well as keeping in touch with the ever growing number of superb long distance road runs and events held throughout the year. This is living history on the move!

Lorries, vans and the Circus!

Heritage Commercials

Cummins Classic • The Atkinson Borderer was a popular lorry in the early 1970s, and the Coxill family own a fine example, Bob Weirreports

A brief history of the Atkinson Borderer


Alec Ireland – Aussie Kenworth Man • In Australia, Kenworth is the marque that survived the ‘stoush’ between it and stablemate, Peterbilt, that took part in the early sixties and has gone on to be a consistent sales success for owners, PACCAR.


Classic Bedford PC • Mike Lawrence from Somerset has been collecting old vehicles and machinery for years. One of his star exhibits is a rare Bedford PC van with an interesting history, writes Bob Weir.

More than cuckoo clocks • Switzerland’s commercial and military vehicle manufacturers enjoyed a reputation for engineering ingenuity and impeccable production quality. Ed Burrows delves into the history of the industry and its products, focusing this month on the biggest truck and engine builder, Saurer. The other makes will be looked at in more detail in next month’s issue.

Minor LCV Register’s 70th gathering

CIRQUE ZAVATTA • It isn’t every day that you meet a camel on your way to buy some bread for breakfast, it is an even better day when said camel is attached to a rope not a few yards from a 1942 Ward La France wrecker with a multitude of guide ropes attached to a huge ‘tent’. Today the circus came to town; it was an impressive sight with exotic animals spread over the village centre, but disregarding that, just look at the trucks they arrived in!

French Connection Part 15 • Renault5Hatchback vans… …The second Generation Super 5 ‘Supercing’ few survive!


Silver jubilee for Volvo’s FM ‘Wendy house’ • The Volvo FM middleweight was introduced in 1998 as a replacement for the popular FL range that had been produced since 1985. The FM achieved over 20 years with its first cab and is still going strong as the V5 models.

The pitfalls and profits of a road run shoot! • There are regular road runs of classic restored commercial vehicles across the country throughout the summer months. Pip Dunn enjoyed one on his doorstep, but not without its challenges…

Your say

Information wanted – Bedford produced for one year only

DON’T MISS OUT! • A monthly round-up of the latest news buying and selling reports, auction, working classics and restorations direct to your inbox.

